You all know that whenever we talk about guides for major games such as World of Warcraft we need to mention the fact that these come best in use when the game gets an update (such as this Siege of Orgrimmar thing that is coming up right now). Now if you can make a good profit before everyone else and you are among the first (not only you can get them "Realm First" feats of strength) but there is some serious amount of virtual cash (aka Gold Coins) to be made.
In case you are a master of everything than there is nothing more to teach you and you are already nearing the gold cap, however if you are more of an average player, then I do recommend you check out this review made on the latest update for Tycoon Gold Guide for WoW and make sure that if you know all these things there's no need for you t find out more, however if you find it helpful this AddOn/Guide might just do wonders for you as well.