One of the latest updates in terms of good addons for Wow, has been implemented by the team over at Dynasty to their best selling product, Tycoon, the most useful in-game gold making tool for World of Warcraft. After adding support for the latest patch (5.4.8) a couple weeks ago, the team also updated the guide with some extra changes and improvements to help out players with all their gold making issues.
If you haven't I do suggest checking it out because if everything goes as it should, the game might just remain on this patch for quite some time now, up until the release of the following expansion, Warlords of Draenor, this fall. So do swing by their website and check them out, because they are most certainly worth it. Some of the updates include a few new gold farming routes and strategies alongside a couple of nice AH tricks which you can pull in order to sell well and fast.