So in case you were wondering if the 3 million subscibers that gave up Wow in the past weeks will be returning when the new version is launched, then you might just have a surprised coming your way, in that I have no idea if they will or will not, since it depends on so many factors. Think of it as such, people want new content, like seriously freaking NEW stuff, we don't want yet another dificulty level on the already existing dungeons (mythic I'm looking straight at you) or worse ... A rehash of the same old dungeons (time-walking) with a chance to keep and use some of the loot. Heck we need more raids, and for the love of all the titans, raid progression like in good old TBC, eh? NO?! Well snap!
Anyways, that was something like how my article actually like (with a few more puns and a little less info), and with much more guides coming your way (Like Zygor, Dynasty or even Dugi) and as long as you haven't tried them out just yet, do so immediatly because otherwise you will begin sucking more than the game does at this point. You know what would make the game suck less, a decent lore if they would somehow manage to explain how the hell did Archi end up in Hellfire ... And why is it Hellfire in the first place? So many questions, for further details please visit WoW 6.2 Raid and Patch Guide and do not leave comments (cause you can't), just read and pass it on if you like, if not then please go do something else. With these being said, enjoy your waiting time till the new content comes out!