Jun 27, 2013

Patch 5.4 Guide Updates

So then the fellas of Blizz are working on the final patch for Mists of Pandaria (Patch 5.4 to be more precise)  and among other pretty important updates there will those new ways of getting rich and getting some serious, provided you have one decent guide.

Garrosh in Patch 5.4 (Hulked)
And if you are in need of guides the fellas of Zygor, Manaview (Tycoon Gold Addon) and Dugi (Leveling Guides) have exactly what you need. So drop by WoW Patch 5.4 Guides & Addons and get a little glimpse on these things so that you may know what to do when the patch comes live and everyone goes insane about them achievements and raids.

Jun 19, 2013

Pwnboxer Multiboxing Review

What better there is to have a few words on the benefits of multiboxing in World of Warcraft (Mists of Pandaria version 5.3) than now when I finally managed to write up the review for this software as well. Now I do hope you will find useful and that all the stuff that was posted there will actually help you decide on whether this is actually worth anything or not. Just check this out: Pwnboxer Review and then you can all go back to whatever you were doing before you stumbled across this blog using any possible way in which you possibly found this :)

Jun 11, 2013

Wow Pwnboxer Software

So this time on the guide board we have the well known multiboxing issue, which as of recently stopped being an issue of legality (as it was declared legal as long as the player controls all the characters involved), but it is an issue of Computer power, accounts and off course software. Now the first two are up to each playa to solve, but the third one is my responsibility, right?

Well I recommend Pwnboxer Software for Wow and that might just solve all the issues that would explain how to multibox successfully and how to cap some serious ass on your own while playing a shitty online video game (no pun intended ... oh wait). Anyways just drop by and you'll see what I mean!