Quite a long time since the last post, eh? Well no one actually fact checks all this, so quite frankly who cares ... The newst word around the block is that the game is going from good to great and there are just simply a ton of new features waiting in the coming patch (6.1). From among these I will only mention the good old and long expected blood elf model update, the new mounts and heirloom features and the new colorblind setting (because we all love our own shade of pink from the fifty shades of red that one can choose from). Here's how it should look:
Apart from that there's also a lot of stuff to be said about the complexity of the game and the need for a decent guide to hold our hands and see us through, but more about that on this blooggy right here. Check things out and make sure you get your Zygor or Dynasty accounts scooped out for the latest stuff and compatibility updates, because the guides won't update themselves if you won't let them. And that basically sums everything I wanted to mention for now ... So take care!
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